Donnerstag, März 01, 2007


Do you know how you realise to get a thing going again you need to make more of an investment in it, but then - not being able to take the time - you just play around with it, twiddledeedoo, and it turns further away from your intentions, ups!, and then you get more bored and the eye-rolling just never stops when you look at it, and you feel WHY this thing at all!

Then you blame it all on the fact Blogger doesn´t allow you to change the color of its navigation bar to any of the colors you like.

28 Kommentare:

Joy Eliz hat gesagt…

I just wonder 'what is my point?'

kj hat gesagt…

yes! exactly!


CRISTOSOVA hat gesagt…

Glad you don´t wonder what is MY point, Joy! Good to see you!

:) kj

Joy Eliz hat gesagt…

You and I are on the same wave-length...
I want to keep up my blog but sometimes find it restricting in what I can say - I like that you have silly characters that say whatever they want.
I think I might add a new element to ElizaDeath the Voodoo doll that says exactly what's on her mind...
hee-hee :)

Ces Adorio hat gesagt…

Why do I understand this post so well?

Yes, what is my point and what am I doing?

CRISTOSOVA hat gesagt…

Hee, the Voodoo Doll sounds like the perfect Alter Ego. She could actually come over and have cameos here. I will read her attentively, be asured!

Ces, I started to believe bloggins is both, relief and temptation. Relief because you find yourself immersed in a world that is larger than your four bedroom walls and you get to see people who struggle the same struggles on a familiar terrain. It makes me happy that there are so many artists out there producing this amazing amount of work, I see people sharing beautiful things with each other and giving out kind words. Of course it is also temptation as it makes you believe your world is larger than it is, and you get seduced away from the real world and find your engergies split into two. Maybe as people approach their blog life from different stages it can either be an extension, addition, escape or distraction to/from real life. And as our lives go on, the blog´s life will have different meaning to it. I still remember my feeling when I got my first ever response to a post and I know that strangely enough, the whole blogging experience has had an impact on my real life. If only so when I am red mad at someone I can secretly think: "Ha, you ")$"&%!! don´t even know I am the Queen of everything on Loontown!"

kj hat gesagt…

wow, alot of food for thought here. i guess i'm on record saying that some of the folks who visit me and i them have become people i truly care about. i hope to meet some of them someday. i draw a line, however, if i'm tempted to SUBSTITUTE my in person relationships, because there is no substitute for a warm hand or hug, or for honest eyes, or breaking bread together. blog friends may not offer ALL that which i truly need, but they certainly augment and add to my wonderful relationships.

have i made one bit of sense? :)

CRISTOSOVA hat gesagt…

You are making perfect sense, kj :)

Johnnynorms hat gesagt…

I'd like to have a point but if I can't then I'm tempted to adopt John Cage's adage: "I have nothing to say, and I am saying it", until I find a point. Meanwhile...I feel you have plenty to say - well, I'm a slow reader, and I'm still catching up with the Loontown archives anyway!

I so respond to that notion "Queen of everything Loontown". I would be a bit irate if I suddenly found I was the deposed Emperor of Elbowroom!

valerie walsh hat gesagt…

#@!5% blogger!

kj hat gesagt…

btw, i like you alot!


CRISTOSOVA hat gesagt…

Johnnynorms, usually I go more with the Ed Muskie saying (I believe he knicked it from Bhuddism) to speak only when one can improve on silence - but I know where you come from: sometimes its needed to let the words stream untill they finally form meaning.

Isn´t it good to have a place to reign? :)

Val, you speak from my heart. Though I would give a few whacks to my laptop as well, we are a bit outoftuned.

kj, smooch back :)

MareAmaro hat gesagt…
Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.
MareAmaro hat gesagt…

I aM Afraid I didn't understand well!

Janet hat gesagt…

I can't even blame it on Blogger. I don't know what my problem is....I just can't seem to get started again!And I agree with kj,I really appreciate my blogger friends too, and although I may not post very often anymore, I still do check in on all of you to see what you're up to!

Majeak Ann hat gesagt…

But I like the colors you always choose, it's so you always. ;P

How are you Cris? weeof..Long time since my last visit.. I have started to make some time and visit my blog friends....days goes fast, and too much work lately has "assault me", but all for good. :)
Hope you are doing well, I posted something at my blog I am sure you are going to be glad when you see it!
Sending love, positive thoughts and hug :*)

Eduardo Costa hat gesagt… deseja 1 Pascoa feliz

kj hat gesagt…

oh jeez. i don't like that you are ending your blog! i just got to know you!

but i understand. and wish you a thousand good wishes. i hope you keep in touch here and there..

Kay Aker hat gesagt…

All good things must pass. Ich weiß aber bin ich noch traurig. Please,Cristosova,just promise me one thing- that you will save the contents of your blog and not let it dissolve into some digital void. There's just so much seriously great work here bursting with idiosyncratic wisdom and insight and wacky characters!It's its own self-contained universe! Now a ghost town? Wah! I'm just grateful to have had the opportunity to get brief glimpses inside your genius brain! Thanks for sharing. I do hope to meet up with you some time, perhaps at some book signing! Auf Wiedersehen! And I do mean see you again!

Johnnynorms hat gesagt…

I'd like to second what kj and scribbledesk have put. Thankyou for sharing your wonderful funny and mindstretching creativity with us Cris - and glad we can delve into your archive some more. Sending you the very bestest of wishes for your next and all future endeavours. Regards from Johnnynorms at Elbowroom

CRISTOSOVA hat gesagt…

thanks, kj, scribblesk and johnnynorms - it was really hard to say "stop" but i hadn´t felt comfortable with loontown for quite a while. i think it was just because of you terrific folks that i kept going, as not to lose touch. seriously, i often wished we had a more and engaging conversation because you just seem so smart and talented. secretly i kept thinking we all should meet one day at a blogger convention :) so scribblesk, have that book signed for me ;)

Janet hat gesagt…

I'm sad to see you go :0( Best Wishes!

Ces Adorio hat gesagt…

Dang! I will miss you very much!!!

kj hat gesagt…




Kay Aker hat gesagt…

I'm giving you the Thinking Blogger award. There's a whole lot of thinking going on here even after the fact!

Willie Baronet hat gesagt…

Sadness. Just saw the official stop post... :-(

kj hat gesagt…

are you still gone?

boo hoo.....

Johnnynorms hat gesagt…

Sending a quick season's greetings thinks bubble your way - how are you?