Mittwoch, Januar 10, 2007


I am calling for the official Smenita Night. Word verification had me type it for the sixth or seventh time. By now it runs across my tongue suavingly fast. Soon tornados and hurricanes will be named after her.

12 Kommentare:

Johnnynorms hat gesagt…

Persistent Miss Smenita,
A veritable Senorita.
She gave her name,
To a hurricane,

Almost a limerick, but I got stuck on the last line...Blogger Beta? Ryvita? Fleeter? Greet her? Nope I'm stuck!

moonsandstars hat gesagt…

thank you!

Ces Adorio hat gesagt…

And I thought I was having de ja vu. Yes indeed Smenita has been with me at least three times. What's up with Smenita?

CRISTOSOVA hat gesagt…

... you better don´t go meet her.. ?
ach, you are so inspiringly British, Johnny :)

thank you too, moonsnadstars!

perhaps a Blogger worker´s tribute to his girlfriend? those geeks can get so sweet!

kj hat gesagt…

what's wrong with me that i never even notice? the only thing that caught my eye was an "fu" at the end of some otherwise illegible mystery word.

and since we're on the subject, why do the letters have to be such jibberish and why so long? it tries my patient patience.

CRISTOSOVA hat gesagt…

kj, some now vanished blogger once famously said she hits the "publish" button without having typed anything into the fields as long as she finally gets a legible word. i don´t know either, why the words have to be so jibbery but i don´t know either, why everyone needs the word verification: has spamming really gone that wild? and should i then be concerned to never get spammed? i mean at least not here on this blog. email is a whole different thing...

flossy-p hat gesagt…

Hey, I just realised you're back! Yay.

I missed the whole Smenita thing, but it seems to have caught a whole swayth of innocent folk in it's path.

I never used to have word verification, but then one fateful night the spam spiders discovered my wee roost and attacked with great vengence. I held them at bay for about a week before they wore me down. You are very lucky to have remained updetected all this time.

CRISTOSOVA hat gesagt…

I knew you were far more popular than me ;)

I guess I haven´t decided whether to be back or not, I am still suspending right in the middle of a decision. Plus I am constantly, pulled into the real world, ts...

flossy-p hat gesagt…

I understand. The real world does have that whole gravity thing that tends to pull you in.

Nice of you to stop by in any case :)

valerie walsh hat gesagt…

i think i will call her smenie for short. I love that you said it runs across your tongue suavingly! That is good!!!

kj hat gesagt…

i just added word verification only because i was getting too many anonymous advertising comments. i opted for the purity of my dear little blog and as a result apologize to everyone who has to type those damn nonsensical letters.



Janet hat gesagt…

Like you, my email is a whole other thing! I have had the same email address forever, and spam was never really a problem, but it seems they have finally struck... and with a vengence!