Samstag, August 19, 2006


... and I am still not back at posting: our kid´s sommer project. We are spraypainting 4 huge walls with stencil graffiti.

One day I will look back at it and say: oh, it was such fun!
But for now.... §$%&e3/!!!

(The Mosaik Wall, still very unfinished.)

(The Johnny Wall (Johnny is the dog´s name), almost done.)

14 Kommentare:

Ces Adorio hat gesagt…

You are having a lot of fun indeed! I can't wait for the finished project.

Lea hat gesagt…

i came to thank you for your comment from way on yonder sacrifice entry of the bacchanalian kind...cheers.... this mural is looking fantastic! ces said... can't wait... to see the finished product

Joy Eliz hat gesagt…

Oh Wow!!! These look fantastic!

Rita Oliveira Dias hat gesagt…

I love the one with the dog, and your fingers are litle sacrifice for Art,ha ha..

Janet hat gesagt…

Neato! I like the bottom one, lots!I'll bet you are having lots of fun, too!

Catnapping hat gesagt…

Beautiful. I love how this mural is coming along. great lines, great movement.

valerie walsh hat gesagt…

well you know I'm gonna love the Johhny wall!!! glad you posted these!!!

CRISTOSOVA hat gesagt…

Thank you all for your support! I am glad I am not forgotten :)

Ces, I love your new avatar, looks very sophisticated.

Lea, hah, I remember that way back entry. And the goat, too. And something about Kate Bush, maybe from a later topic?

Scarecrow, thanks, yep, not business as usual yet, but its coming along...

Joy, thank you! I was first very nervous about the colors (I thought people would go on a psychedelic trip standing in the center of the four walls) but now I love that we were being so bold with the pink and turquoise.

Rita! Haha, you are right, its only fair to give a little sacrifice to art. But even typing has become a pain in the .... , sob!

Janet, well, if you consider yelling orders (stand away from the spraycan fog! use your gloves! dont hit your brother on the head with your spraycan! watch that stencil! dont play soccer with your face mask!) fun, we indeed have plenty! ;)

Catnapping, thanks a lot!

Val, Johnny is the dog of one of the partaking girls. When her father came along the next day, not knowing a thing and actually walking the dog, he was getting tears in his eyes of joy. That was so touching!

flossy-p hat gesagt…

These are amazing! I'm so impressed!

Kim de Young hat gesagt…

The Johnny dog wall is fantastic! Can not wait to see the rest of the walls finished. I'll check back.

Kay Aker hat gesagt…

Looking good!

Anonym hat gesagt…

how are you? stecil garffitis look very fine. I've been working in workshops with kids a few time and I know it needs quite A LOT of energy...yet it's definetely worth do it!

Anonym hat gesagt…

tnx for your comment...always take a philosophical eye...regards to your pupils ;)

deezee hat gesagt…

so beautiful...