Sonntag, Juli 23, 2006


Israeli and Palestinian Women joined for peace.

7 Kommentare:

Ces Adorio hat gesagt…

Cristova, I want to say something about this but every time I try, I tell myself I'd rather not, but I have been constantly thinking about it.

CRISTOSOVA hat gesagt…

Ces, that is a very sensitive topic, especially at the moment. Around four years ago I met one of the former members of the Palestinian organisation and she told us about their common work. "We refuse to be enemies" was their slogan (slogan seems such a bad word in this context) to state just because they are either Palestinian or Israeli doesn´t mean they don´t respect each other as humans, as women, and it expressed their deep deep hope for peace. I am thinking about them now. Your opinion is cherished and you are welcome to express it here. Of course now that you say it I am most interested in it :) Perhaps the picture can be interpreted wrong? Let me know...

Ces Adorio hat gesagt…

Oh no it's not the picture. I have more questions than answers. When we were younger, we used to go to a lot of parties before we had children. We were very close with several couples. We dined, partied and took trips and vacations together. We were Christians, Arab Moslems and Jews. The Arabs were Palestinians who grew up in Egypt. We never discussed religion. We knew that we had a lot of things in common but if there was one thing that divided all of us, it was our religion. So we never talked about it.

Anonym hat gesagt…

these, are days of opposites, indeed...lebanon is not that far from italy, umh! I "support" your take on this week's topic...,refusing to be enemies is the only way....

carla hat gesagt…

If only... Thank you for this.

MareAmaro hat gesagt…

short break? i hope you are having a nice holiday! take care

Luisa hat gesagt…

enjoy yourself!
besos :)