Mittwoch, Juli 19, 2006


"Hour around hour he sat stiffly on his chair, hammered into his typewriter, choked out one word after another, felt restrained, like a beginner, frozen of the fear he could reveal by writing that he was not a writer." (Jay Martin on Henry Miller)

13 Kommentare:

Willie Baronet hat gesagt…

This is really poignant.

Joy Eliz hat gesagt…

When the words won't come I just write cuss words on the paper until they do:) ha-ha!

Ces Adorio hat gesagt…

Cristova, this is too intellectual - my brain is fried from the hot sun today. LOL!!! I love your drawings. I just love, love little drawings that mean a lot.

CRISTOSOVA hat gesagt…

Thanks Willie! One could say this is really desperate, too ;)

Joy, good idea! Its all about the flow, isn´t it? Once it starts to float, intelligence - or coherence - might show up as well, right? I once saw this episode of Cybil where her ex-husband had to come by a writer´s block and what he did was typing up letters of complaint. I thought that was equally good. You just have to make sure no one sends them off inadvertently!

Ces, mine was too! The result is on the page :) I was actually just looking for an excuse to post the quote.
Thank you!

flossy-p hat gesagt…

yet the bits you do write are breathtaking.

perhaps you're focusing too much on quantity, the quality of those few lines (accompanied with another your amazing arty-bits) more than satisfy me.

justinpatrickparpan hat gesagt…

I'm really enjoying the syle of your work. Its very innocent, very witty.

CRISTOSOVA hat gesagt…

Flossy, thank you! Actually I believe one of the reasons why I started Loontown was that I realised "quantity" (or lets say a novel) would be out of my reach. The message (or sentences) I have to give are just different, in a different form and need to be on a different plattform. I am reading Henry Miller´s biography at the moment and recognize so many of his agonies about writing. He realised in the end that what you have to give is what you have to give, period. A line is a line is a line. (Oh no, that was Getrude!)

JustinPatrick, hello! Thanks for your visit and your nice words!

Majeak Ann hat gesagt…

what a contradiction..great concept wise woman!

Alicia Souza hat gesagt…

sooo coooolll..heheh..
heart like a baloon:) instead of same ol' boring heart baloons....
i think my brain is trying to get away..but my medula oblungata is its string...
love it!

PaMdora hat gesagt…

You're pretty funny yourself. Love the drawings and your style.

CRISTOSOVA hat gesagt…

Wisdom is my final goal, Marjorie, at least I am already so wise to know its going to be a long long road. (Or hey, wait, was that Socrates?) ;)

Aliie, soon Loontown will have an office of divorce between brain and human. I´ll give you a notice :)

Pamdora, that hat is a celebration in itself!

Luisa hat gesagt…

Paciencia, the suitable words sometimes can take time arriving, but they come, sure.
This is Sally? :)

Weichuen You hat gesagt…

That's how I feel when I paint sometimes...Creating itself is a process that requires lots of courage because it takes courage to show one's heart and to subject one's works to criticism in the end, but it's also so much fun!