What is wrong with you,, my Dear? You´ve been having hiccups for days. Lean back and relax. Hold your breath and swallow. Would you care for some peppermint tea?
I was thinking today about this idea how a self-publishing company like could develop a tool for blog content to be easily turned into print. The archive of your Online journal becomes a book for your shelf. You pick the cover (the blog header perhaps?), what entries should go in, which ones should be left out, over what period of time you want the book (per year, per blog anniversary), what size it should be, if you want all the pictures included, if you want the comments included, if your contacts go in on a reference page... plus you´d have templates for print page design similar to the Online templates.
You don´t have to respond to this. I just wanted to get it out here in case someone will ask in 6 months who the first brilliant mind was to think of that!
*not good for people who frequently move
5 Kommentare:
that would be cool, if nothing else than at least as a record they existed, just in case; blogger insurance.
Blogger insurance, that even tops my idea profit-wise! ;)
Wouldnt that be wonderful? I love the idea and of couse you should recieve the credit! It's brilliant!!
I save my blog pages at the end of every month onto my hard drive. Nothing is aligned properly but at least it's there should Blogger some day crash...which afer these last few days, I have no doubt it eventually will.
Andrea, it would be horrible if all your text would vanish! Fortunately it now looks like the blogquake is over. But I often wished anyway that at least there could be an extract tool or such to put the blog text + picture to pdf. I am sure it will happen soon!
this is a cool idea, we will remind them we saw it here first!!!
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